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Lesson 6
The Healing, Health and Healthy Weight Success Course

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Lessons and Meditations, Prayer Cards, Journal and Inspiration Cards in PDF format for printing at home.


This is your Father in heaven your Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.


When we consider that we are humans with souls we have an immediate understanding of an intrinsic need for us to learn more of what helps us not just survive but to grow and thrive while we are alive on the planet earth. Many people consider themselves to be superior to others, highly evolved, and essentially needing no further education or learning experiences in order to ultimately be happier and fulfilled. However, when we consider how many people on the planet earth are not happier or fulfilled, in fact, they are more and more unhealthy, unhappy, fearful and even depressed, we know that we have already proven that how our culture thinks of how to live life today doesn't work. I, your God, need you all to bridge these two thoughts; first that I had your soul birthed on the planet earth so you could listen to me and learn that which you needed in order to evolve into who I wanted you to be. We acknowledge that perhaps we have some work to do regarding our own healing, our own reflection and then surrender to God something that we ourselves have not been able to heal. When we do these things consciously we raise our own awareness about what is possible for us to heal and more importantly be able to move forward with in order to feel fulfilled and happier while we are still alive. Not to do so presents a problem for our own souls that produces symptoms. These symptoms have a debilitating effect on a soul that needs to bring a succinct message across to the conscious awareness of its human but also needs their human to learn how to heal and get passed this particular problem so God can rain down His blessings upon that human. When this doesn’t happen however, meaning the healing that could be happening because symptoms were recognized but denied the healing that only God and Jesus could give them then the mind, body, soul, and spirit complex go into a sort of tailspin about how to get those messages to you. 


The reason why this point is so important is that it pays homage to the fact that everyone who claims to be an authority on a subject or hope to coach others in something they themselves have not healed yet or had surrendered to God and Jesus for a better understanding, a learning that they then can pass on to others for their benefit and to hopefully never repeat again, becomes lost to them forever.


Nicole says these things about our evolutionary process:

"I have always loved life drawing, the process of capturing real features of hands, faces, feet, backs etc. never got old for me. I loved drawing from life (nudes) and sought to do so throughout my life whether it was for a finished piece or just the joy of the practice of it. I was drawing a nude in the Garrison art center when the moderator came up to me and said "You know this is the time that you pull out the "good" paper and stop using the newsprint." Meaning that she believed my drawings were so good that I could consider even my practice work to be worthy of framing. As I continued practicing drawing I knew that my background in fashion illustration was certainly a factor in how I saw a human life form for the purpose of drawing, but then something else started to happen. I started drawing people with something within my soul that could empathize with this person before me, standing naked vulnerable and willing to spend time posing for myself and everyone else in the room. I felt an overwhelming compassion for them, I felt their weaknesses and strengths, that their childhood wasn't that great or that they had been ignored in their marriage. In other words, I began seeing them as I did when I was giving people Reiki healing. This changed the dynamic of what I was producing and the reason why that moderator of that particular life drawing session said what she had said. My drawings of a human with a soul began to bring something different together for the model as well as who ever saw my work. In the past as a fashion illustrator we were taught to "improve" the appearance of a crooked nose, elongate legs and hands, make jawlines looks more chiseled but what I began doing was something different. I started feeling as though I could see each human as God would, which was even more gorgeous and radiant in their natural state than anyone could've imagined. I realized just recently that God had given me this gift to see His people as He sees them. This was a revelation to me! When I did get a chance to finish a portrait or full body drawing both the model and the people who viewed them after would be astonished! "This needs to be framed! This is gorgeous!" 



                                                                              A LITTLE CHECK IN

​                            You've moved through the coursework, understanding your own

    problems better and now you're working toward a solution.  We want to know,

               as a result of what you've learned thus far are you happier, in less pain? 

                            Go through this questionaire again after completing lessons 1-5. 








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  Prayer Card
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Reminders of Our Father and Jesus' love for you.

Click on the prayers you would like to download and print to keep with you.

Inspiration Card

Inspiration to download as you continue on your soul's journey.  Use as a screensaver,

print and frame or carry with you wherever you go.

Be Supported by watching Nicole's Daily Bible Study

Reminder: You must participate in a Group Coaching Call before moving on to the next lesson and meet with your Group Coach to evaluate whether you are ready for Lesson 7.  If you need it you must book a healing Soul Reading with Nicole.  After the GCC talk to your coach to see what's right for you.

Copyright 2004 Nicole Fevrier Davis and All Rights Reserved.

All Contents on the site are protected by US Copyright Laws and are the property of Nicole Fevrier Davis. Copying, reproducing, publishing, displaying or modifying such content is expressly prohibited unless given

written permission by Nicole Fevrier Davis.

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