Lesson 6
The Healing, Health and Healthy Weight Success Course
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father Who Art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
and the Power and the Glory
Forever and Ever.
“ I praise God and Jesus for protecting not just the truth and honesty of this tome but for protecting me as well! As you are about to discover God and Jesus had always had a plan in place for you to get exactly what you need in this lifetime to feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than in any other lifetime.I absolutely love what I do for a living now and I better understand Jesus quote from the Bible “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me and from finishing his work”. When I focus on that, my opportunities for joy continue day after day regardless of holidays or not. I don’t sit and bemoan that I didn’t get to see the news, or the latest fad item, miss a concert or get a gel manicure. I recognized this when I met with a friend for a day trip into Manhattan. Historically she had always touted how “well informed” she was about world news and retail trends. She had relayed how she had been depressed and not really inspired to grateful for anything. I will say it didn’t help that she was listening to depressing music at the same time she spoke of her mood. But when I realized I had spent the entire holiday with my family and we went walking together, made dinners and baked cookies together, played cards, talked, celebrated our accomplishments and tried to support each other (they even sat for my Christmas Mass in our great room while my friend Bernadette recorded it for me) even though they are now ages 18 to 26, I had so much to be grateful for. My friend hadn’t had the same opportunity for joy as I had because she never did have children. Because I wasn’t available for the social media frenzies, dogmatic outlook on life, or anything that was conceived of by mankind but entirely focused on my family and literally the Word of God, I was fine, happier in fact than a lot of my friends were. The reason why our Father in heaven has asked me to write this is to confirm that you are not crazy if you have had any of these types of experiences that I am about to describe to you. What we know now as a result of numerous shooting events, heretical statements being made by prodigious spokespeople, politicians, marketing, gaming, and weight loss professionals of all kinds, we are subjugating our soul’s wills on earth as we speak. This has created something of a problem to your soul as you attempt to express what your soul needs you to express most when you become an adult. It is a conceptual rule that we must adhere to social, science, and news media standards in order to survive in this lifetime. However, that is insufficient evidence of God’s loving kindnesses insofar as our inability to identify what it is that God would have us do to live happy healthy and meaningful, purposeful lives as a result of continually being exposed to the aforementioned diatribe. The reasons for in which I felt the need to write this and for you to have for a few dollars is to ensure that all of God’s people are amply supplied with the exact ways to protect themselves on the earth while still alive. It became apparent to God and Jesus that our faithful people had become the targets of evil agendas since Jesus walked the earth. I was shocked that something I knew people were grappling with within their souls were the negative aspects of each of the chakras, what God has asked me to call the “energy centers” for now. As I worked on thousands of people over thirty years I saw how the negative aspects of each energy center played a role in a person’s ability to be healthy and well in life. There are seven centers and correspondingly seven negative traits or qualities to each center and seven positive qualities. The more I worked in this way the more I realized that what God had intended for us and in order for any of us to feel truly fulfilled and happy in this lifetime we would need to heal, and then grow and cultivate our own version of those more positive traits. That meant there were seven other negative qualities that we had a choice to focus on or not”
Page 23-24
Nicole Fevrier Davis
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Prayer Card
Reminders of Our Father and Jesus' love for you.
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Inspiration Card
Inspiration to download as you continue on your soul's journey. Use as a screensaver,
print and frame or carry with you wherever you go.
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