Lesson 7
The Healing, Health and Healthy Weight Success Course
God's Will for Your Soul Purpose
Everything that you've experienced, felt and seen has made you who you are today. The piece of this that is of crucial and utmost importance is the piece that is about your healing for you to balance your neurochemistry for ultimate healing, health, and healthy weight. What you had experienced in the past whether it be a traumatic, abusive, or shocking they all have an impact on your limbic brain and its reactions to those events and experiences dictate that imbalance in neurochemistry unless you can identify that event or those events that brought you into that state of either fear, anger, or depression.
That being said it is important not to lose sight of the impact doing this one exercise has on your neurochemical balance. Your past history and experience even up to and including things like circumcision, having a blanket taken away as a toddler, or accidentally having a tooth knocked out, moving unexpectedly, new schools, experiencing a sense of "outsider" bias and more all can accumulate as an intense response to those 10 qualities we all need to feel fulfilled 1) Not feeling safe and protected 2) Not feeling a part of a family or community 3) Not having recognition in those groups 4) Not feeling loved 5) Not feeling the ability to communicate about your feelings or truths in all of it 6) Not feeling a sense of clarity about all of it 7) Not being able to connect with our greater intuition about our personal truths 8) Not feeling able to seek a greater wisdom about our situations 9) Not being able to receive anything new or inspirational in that greater guidance from that wisdom 10) Not being able to receive the benefits and blessings from acting on that greater guidance and wisdom.
When we describe the thoughts and idea that our souls are deeply connected to our physical soul symptoms, it beomes our responsibility to bring a sense of clarity and truth to each of those physical symptoms.
When we focus our attention on those events in our lives that represent the negative emotions that have brought havac on our soul's and our souls ability to communicate with our conscious awareness, we then are paying more attention as we go towards and for our ability to then heal as God and Jesus would have us.
When God Our Father in heaven
Interval Training Lesson #1
Do only what feels RIGHT for you.
Inspiration Card
Inspiration to download as you continue on your soul's journey. Use as a screensaver,
print and frame or carry with you wherever you go.
Reflect on the week
and journal about it.
Be Supported by watching Nicole's Daily Bible Study
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@nicolestruu
Reminder: You must participate in a Group Coaching Call before moving on to the next lesson and meet with your Group Coach to evaluate whether you are ready for Lesson 8. If you need it you must book a healing Soul Reading with Nicole. After the GCC talk to your coach to see what's right for you.