Lesson 7
The Healing, Health and Healthy Weight Success Course
Lessons and Meditations, Prayer Cards, Journal
and Inspiration Cards in PDF format for printing at home.
1) Continue the meditations 1-2 times a day.
2) For fun, try the interval training lesson below at your own pace.
3) Listen to the Calming the Limbic Brain Visualization to help you through stressful situations.
4) Journal and reflect on the week.
6) Remember to continue to praise God and Jesus even more and don't stop your visualizations and Body Scans.
Take a look at this Group Coaching Call
about more Truth Talking
Interval Training Lesson #1
Do only what feels RIGHT for you.
We have experienced a lot of stressors in our lives some can seem insurmountable even impossible to resolve. In the past this was supposed to be handled by the more traditional use of a formal confession spoken to a priest. However, now we find the use of a visualization far more effective as there is no need to wait for an opportunity to go to confession. Keep in mind that this is for your use, meaning the assumption is that you have done nothing wrong but that you need God's help to bring resolution to what has been a problem for you. We also assume that you have tried to find a solution, that you have made changes to help you manage or address the issue you would like to hand over to God but have not been successful bringing it to fruition in a way that heals or brings peace to your limbic brain, body or soul. The idea of doing this sort of work first will help to evolve your soul faster
but this is a good alternative.
Just as an example I personally have had an issue with my son's use of his computer for incessant gaming. I felt it was changing his personality, bringing his grades down, and making him less communicative with our family and friends. I tried limiting his time on the computer only to find he had been sneaking time in when I didn't realize it. After several attempts to get him to stop playing games all the time, I finally took the computer away entirely until the school year was over. My son graduated and the gaming began again regardless of our agreements to limit it. I finally gave it up to God. I have performed this visualization in the past without a recording. I see myself put these sorts of problems into God's hands and found not only peace in my daily life but miracles too. That is, in fact, what happened. God our Father in heaven stepped in recently finding him a full time summer job, then set a desire in my son to go to college earlier than anticipated to participate in a program that he could help foreign students acclimate to life in the United States. That not only gave him time away from the computer but gave him an entirely different perspective on a variety of things like meeting people from different parts of the world in person, discovering other forms of entertainment, learn what it is to be a good host, how to communicate daily to bring things to fruition, team building and more. What a miraculous blessing!
Use this meditation to ease the tension and stress of those negative emotions and situations by literally handing it over to God. This will automatically relieve the stress and irritation on the limbic brain and begin to align the soul of your mind with that of God's will for you while you are living on the earth. Allow your mind to release all parts of the negative thoughts for greater and greater peace and contentment. God may act through you inspiring you to do something different, He may send you a messenger, or a sign. In every case you will get some path toward resolution.
Inspiration Card
Inspiration to download as you continue on your soul's journey. Use as a screensaver,
print and frame or carry with you wherever you go.
Reflect on the week
and journal about it.
Be Supported by watching Nicole's Daily Bible Study
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@nicolestruu