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Healing, Health and Healthy Weight Success Course

Hello! Thank you for joining our coursework for Healing, Health, and Healthy Weight Success as God and Jesus would have us do so. I'm Nicole Fevrier Davis, my company and I are thrilled that you've decided that learning your soul language and healing, being healthy, and losing weight naturally is a priority for you.
God and Jesus love you, that's why you're here.
They love you very, very, very much!
Therefore your soul brought you to this place so that you can now learn exactly how God and Jesus had hoped that you would live. You have embedded well within your own soul your personal secrets to your own health and wellbeing, these soul messages are meant for you and you alone. It is important to have no pre-conceived notions of what your particular processes or solutions may look like. When we are taking these lessons we have to clear our assumptions of what our solutions to our problems and goals might be. Assuming you already know the answer may inhibit your ability to learn something new that God, Jesus, and your soul need you to learn. This course will help you learn the language of your soul as you proceed through the lessons you will become healthier, happier, and more and more fulfilled. The added benefit of this course is that by learning your own soul language you will become closer to God and Jesus and their Will for you in this lifetime.
When we dedicate our time and attention to that which is of utmost crucial importance to our souls as God and Jesus would have us do so, what we are acknowledging and admitting is that perhaps we don't have the righteous answers. Because if we did that would mean that we are already healed, healthy, and enjoying our healthy weight. That is how we know we are living and believing what God and Jesus had originally intended for us. The farther away we are from our God given soul's learning and purpose the more ill, emotionally/mentally unbalanced, and overweight we become. These lessons are extraordinarily valuable, you will be thrilled by the results.
Thank you for joining this course!
After 34 years of working in the fitness, health, and weight loss industries I had come up against a professional "wall" so to speak. I started feeling like a hypocrite because I knew that after all my training and experience, 13 different health and fitness facilities, 18 certifications, hundreds if not thousands of client records later, that I was being trained to simply sell things. I sold more and more products, assessments, and services none of which actually found the root cause of weight gain or helped my clients lose weight. I prayed about this thought for those 35 years "Dear God please make me that clear vessel for whatever it is these people need to heal, be healthy, and whole and at their healthiest weight." I was acutely aware that nothing science had taught me was working. I had become a highly sophisticated science based sales person for all the "stuff" I could get my clients hooked on for life. I felt that somehow I had agreed to become a pawn in a sales game that kept my clients dependent on my products, services, assessments, supplements, and devices, not a professional personal trainer dedicated to a permanent solution. I felt and and I knew there must be a better way, one that only God and Jesus could give us knowing that we are individuals, not subjects that fit into a blanket statement of science based lies. I then was inspired by God and Jesus who told me to forget about the science, "Listen to the soul, what is the soul saying?" This changed everything! I abandoned everything I thought I knew about healing, health, and weight loss and allowed myself to be that open vessel to the one thought that perhaps we were meant to work with what God had already given us to be healed, healthy, and at your healthiest weight. Knowing that our God is never random, never without a specific purpose, everything in the body as well as its responses and symptoms must have a meaning. When we think of our mind, body, soul, and spirit symptoms this way we begin an even more valuable journey toward what it really is to be healed, healthy, and at our healthiest weight. We need answers that only God and Jesus can give us, knowing us so well. This is it, and quite frankly this is information no weight loss, pharmaceutical, or medical professional wants you to know. Things to remember: This course was created by God, Jesus, and myself. I put everything I had learned about the science and energy of what it is to heal, be healthy, and at our healthiest weight over 34 years and combined it with verbatim explanations and how-to descriptions from God and Jesus and put it all into an easy, accessible form for your learning enjoyment. This is God's and Jesus' living, breathing coursework according to the scriptures that has evolved based on past participants experiences, therefore some of the videos may refer to a lesson number or might be missing a visualization however we found that those items were more effective in the new places they now reside. The coursework itself is literally the plan for how God and Jesus had intended for us to live, grow, and flourish even in today's day and era. The following course materials are intended to help you improve your health, improve your connection with God and Jesus and your own mind, body, soul and spirit for natural healing and to lose or gain weight if necessary the way you were always meant to do so, entirely naturally. This entire course is a mind, body, soul, and spirit connection course however, all of the concepts held within it have been proven by science. This is not hearsay or a theory or philosophy. This is why this course is such a paradigm shifting thought in what is possible for us as humans to be able to accomplish today.
**That being said it is important that you understand that any and all emotional, mental, or physical symptoms you might be having right now, even weight gain, are important messages that your mind, body, soul, and spirit wanted to give you as feedback about how you are learning life lessons in relation to what your original purpose is in life. The lessons intended for you to learn so that you can be healthy and fulfilled. There are certain life lessons set into your soul specific to your experiences in order to help you evolve past
those problems and conundrums.
Following that thought you can see the problem with any medical, holistic, or therapeutic "interventions" of any kind, as they eliminate our mind, body, and soul's ability to accurately give us feedback, what we call "soul symptoms" in order to let us know how well we are evolving our brains, and bodies to bring us better health and a more fulfilling life.
When we consider that western medicine and science had historically been unkind to the the mind and body as side effects and other even more devastating effects of those medications had denied the mind, body, soul, and spirit complex from actually being heard as God had originally intended. Therefore it became obvious that there were numerous social and cultural lies we had been told about the reality of what science and western medicine's ability is to heal, be healthy, and at our healthiest weight. The science, western medicine, and health and weight loss industries would have us believe that it is of vital utmost importance that we all get "early disease detection" assessments, early "interventions", pharmaceuticals, therapies, medications for psychological disorders are all necessary in order to maintain our health or to heal. That being said it very important to get off of all medications as you recognize you no longer have a need for them and in order to be able to accurately receive those messages from our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits.
It is also mandatory to actively throw out the following: Tarot decks, divinational tools, "energy medicine" tools, sound bowls, crystals, pendulums, or far-infrared types of therapies or mesmerizing visualizations or meditations as their effects interfere with our own mind, body, soul, and spirit communication loop. Here is a more detailed list of items you need to leave behind while you take the next 10 weeks to become better aligned and be able to communicate better with your own mind, body, soul to receive the soul messages you need to improve your intuition about your goals.
Any types of brass or any pyramids, pendulums, any types divinational decks (Native American, I-Ching, Aztec, even "angel cards"you get the idea), 5 pointed stars, Ouija boards, unnecessary mirrors, psychic or channeling manuals or books or any books about witchcraft, wizardry or anything occult or pagan in nature. These items defeat the purpose of our particular method of learning how to work with what God has already given us and what Jesus had hoped we would learn while we are still alive.
Medications, supplements, vitamins, protein powders, shakes, dietary information, or any other "therapeutic interventions" that might compromise the messages your mind, body, soul, and spirit have for you. Although you may have been told that staying on these medications is mandatory it is not. The problem exists that when you are using these things you are actually subjugating the very messages you need to heal. Remember these are messages your soul has no other way of communicating to you, stopping that feedback in communication further sends the wrong messages about your safety. This will prompt the limbic brain to send new and more intense messages so that you finally become aware of them. Vitamins, supplements, chemicals, medications, and interventions create a pseudo environment within the brain that states that you are "OK" but this is always a temporary state that never actually heals or provides proper neurochemical balance. This course provides the only way our brains can sustainably, authentically, and naturally balance our neurochemistry. By following the old paradigm of needing science based "interventions" we are actually causing more harm than good as our brains never get an opportunity to learn how to be balanced on its own. By continually providing this pseudo state of balanced neurochemistry we are not just subjugating God's will for us but we are harming ourselves and our health. How do we know this works, is this, you will feel better, happier, be pain- free, begin to see your weight moving in the right direction but best of all you will feel a sense of peace, fulfillment, and joy at your results!
See for yourself!


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