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Lesson 3
The Healing, Health and Healthy Weight Success Course

Lessons and Meditations, Journal and Inspiration Cards in PDF format for printing at home.

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Healing, Health, and Healthy Weight
Audio Lesson 3

The Body Scan


1) Listen to Lesson 3.

2) Listen to the Body Scan visualization and write down any images, colors, shapes, feeling or memories.

3) Continue to explore your creative side by doodling, singing, dancing or whatever makes YOU happy- this will help you unlock buried emotions.

4) Choose an appropriate Transform Meditation from the list below to work with for one week and listen to it in the AM and PM.


thebodyscanNicole Fevrier Davis
00:00 / 17:18

Your Living, Life Experience, History


When I was giving Reiki (before I renounced the practice entirely) I noticed that certain parts of people's bodies were reflective of their experience in life. I could identify emotional, mental or physical problems in my client's relationships by simply consciously know the location of their pain and suffering. This became such a regular practice for me that I created this mind body map to help my clients better understand their physical ailments or what I now call soul symptoms but to also educate them about what their soul messages are to recognize within our life experiences as needing our time and attention to heal or resolve.


As you can see our life experiences become embedded in our physical bodies just as they do in our minds, emotions and soul. When I first consider my soul I saw it as perhaps existing outside of my body, now after numerous dissertations from our Father in heaven I understood why I saw what was happening in different parts of the body. It was because the soul He gave us actually exists within every part of our body, our muscles, bones, organs, and cells. As we grow up we can either become stronger as a result of our parents support, love and sharing the truth of that love and relationships or we can become denigrated by the lack of support, love, and our needs not being met. When this happens that corresponding area of the body that represents that age in our lives becomes weakened and can eventually be a problem area, like a belief that our bodies are failing us, we have a genetic disposition to A, B, C or D. Consider how many illnesses or ailments arise out of this simple misunderstanding. Now take a moment to consider your bodies weaker areas beneath hip height. This represents your parental relationships. If properly nurtured, and loved, and all of your needs have been met as an infant throughout your entire childhood and teen years then you won't have any issues here. If you were raised with any fear, doubt, sorrow, disruption, abuse, trauma, or unkindness of any kind then you might have problems with anything below your hips. 


When we are considering the Mind Body Map, the sacrum, pelvis, and hips represent our relationships. Whatever our parents taught us about loving relationships will have an impact on this area.  However if you were raised by loving parents but have difficulty in relationships as a result of making poor decisions about loving relationships or you chose the wrong partner in life there could still be a negative soul response. For example you might be experiencing; low back pain, hip joint degeneration, uterine, pelvic, sexual organ, perineal, or urethra issues.


Likewise as we age and grow in our ability to be discerning we grow our ability to have self confidence, righteous use of will, and have a sense of our own accomplishments in the solar plexus. Again, if any of those initial parental messages hadn't prepared us for these needs and knowing how to identify when we don't have these qualities in our lives then our souls will be certain to send us a message. At the same time if we choose to subjugate ourselves in favor of a more dominant partner no matter how well we get along our bodies will show us what we are missing within that relationship. 


If we are successfully loved and nurtured throughout our lives we then have the ability to grow and develop empathy and compassion. This can resonate outside of our physical bodies to affect a change in others minds, bodies, souls, and spirit. Love and our loving relationships give us the opportunity to grow a level of intuition for what our soul would want us to learn and evolve into. Empathy and compassion are essential to our ability to grow and evolve as humans. 


If you had a problem visualizing anything in the Body Scan visualization, or you didn't connect with results in the emotion from the Emotion Oracle and couldn't relate it to anything you had experienced before in your life, then try observing your soul symptoms in relation to this Mind Body Map. Once you've identified areas of the body that require your time and attention to heal and get resolution then consider one the following questions:


1) Do I understand what my soul symptoms message is?


2) Do I have anger, fear, or depression about it?


3) Do my internal messages have a significant role in my life?  Am I listening?



Transform Emotions Series Meditations

This is a progressive course that will help you begin to heal those emotions that are stopping you from your perfect health, and weight. If your Body Scan was unclear and you required the Emotion Oracle and/or the questionaire to help you identify the emotion you need to heal most, then choose the corresponding visualization for that emotion.  Follow the directions and click on the emotion that corresponds the most with what you experienced. Listen 2-3 times daily, every day for a week for best results.

Transforming Anger Meditation
Transforming Depression Meditation
Transforming Fear Meditation
Making Peace with Weight Loss


Questions for this week

to journal about.


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Inspiration Card

Inspiration to download as you continue on your soul's journey.  Use as a screensaver,

print and frame or carry with you wherever you go.

Reminder: You must participate in a Group Coaching Call before moving on to the next lesson and meet with your Group Coach to evaluate whether you are ready for Lesson 4.  If you need it you must book a healing Soul Reading with Nicole.  After the GCC talk to your coach to see what's right for you.

Copyright 2004 Nicole Fevrier Davis and All Rights Reserved.

All Contents on the site are protected by US Copyright Laws and are the property of Nicole Fevrier Davis. Copying, reproducing, publishing, displaying or modifying such content is expressly prohibited unless given

written permission by Nicole Fevrier Davis.

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