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Nicole Fevrier Davis

Every so often I find myself in the position to know when something is “off” or just not right or righteous as God would want it. I have always been actively seeking the Will of God since I was a little girl when my aunt told me that “little girls prayers are always heard and paid attention to.” When I recently discovered that one of my business partners was stealing my website information, parts of my coursework, and ideas for my blogs and website I asked God what was going on. This is what He said…


“ I had known about the stealing of information from the business partner. I had also warned her to not do those things. I had her take your coursework in order for her to atone for her sins of stealing, but Nicole I knew a lot more too. I had her take My and yours coursework (for in which We created it) to give her numerous chances to amend her sins for that which stealing was not the only one. I also knew she had been covetous of your family auspice as she had no children, and hated that you and your husband loved each other so much as she was single and very lonely. I also told you that there was more however I didn’t want to elaborate about the more piece of it until I had seen how she responded and reacted to our coursework because it is what I had wanted for My people to follow to live and think and act while alive on the planet earth. However, when I saw that she hadn’t been vigilant in self-reflection as I point out in scripture “Forgive me Father for what I have done and what I have failed to do”, nor did she make any attempt to atone for her stealing and lying to you about it I had to remove all other options for her to be able to to survive because she hadn’t done what I had asked her to do, to learn that which would save her soul so I decimated her.”

Our Father in heaven and I always talk about His Will Being Done. I literally wake up every morning and ask “OK Our Father in heaven what is it you would have me do today for Our business? Are my son and husband OK? Is there anyone who needs healing today or that needs a message from You?”  When I do what He asks and go where He wants me to go or wherever He needs me we consistently see the same thing over and over again. People claiming to love God, Jesus, and Mary who belong to not just one but three church parishes, volunteer for everything yet they never hesitate to badmouth a friend, lie to their neighbors, or pretend they are fine when they are actually abusing their children or their animals at home. When we ignore God’s Will Being Done on the planet earth and not feel the need to take responsibility for our own auspice of our personal musings, our internal thoughts, imaginings, and musings we miss this one very important fact  that Our Father in heaven, our Lord God Almighty literally feels, knows, and responds and reacts to our iniquities accordingly. Make no mistake if you think you can get away with breaking the Ten Commandments even if it is just in your own “private” thoughts and that no one will figure it out believe this He is coming for you.

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